Forensic / Disaster restoration / Insurance Inspections

failure investigations, and damage assessment

We are licensed engineers with substantial experience in engineering design, inspections, failure investigations, and damage assessments. We are not your typical engineer who sits in a cubicle crunching numbers all day long while scrolling the mouse to check drawings and details. We love the outdoors, we love to get dirty and hands-on about making changes in the structural elements to access every floor below and above the area of concerns.  We are not afraid of heights, spider webs, crawlspaces, attics, steep roofs, old homes, or ghosts.  We like to get challenged and we can even take the engineering opinions challenges to the courtroom, in front of a judge if we have to! So bring it on!   

Our structural engineering services range from identification and evaluation of construction defects and building collapses, to cause and origin assessments and roof investigations. We handle all claims involving structural deficiencies, failures or damages. 

Catastrophe assessment for storms, tornadoes, lightning strikes, winds, hail, fire, vehicle tree impact foundation settlement

We specialize in CAT assessments for hurricanes, tornadoes, storms, flood/surge, lightning strikes, high winds, hail, fire, vehicle & tree impact, and foundation settlement. We also prepare as-built drawings with structural repairs for disaster restoration permitting purposes. 

We offer engineering inspections and assessment services for insurance-related claims, and we work with property owners, property management companies,  insurance adjusters, and attorneys in building components or structures assessments, claims, or litigations. We have over 10 years of experience in preparing engineering reports for insurance claims. 


Flood damage or wind vs flood in Hurricanes 

Wind damage to walls, roof, doors and non-structural elements.

Fire damage to framing members, foundation including smoke and soot. 

Lightning strike leading to structural or fire damage.


Structural damage truss, roof or wall framing.

Roof or plumbing leaks leading to moisture intrusion and structural damage. 

Roof shingle damage assessments. Wind vs mechanical inflicted damage. 

Improper shingles installation slippage leading to deterioration and damage not caused by wind. 


Mold moisture intrusion leading to microbiological growth and spores infestation 

Tree Impact to building framing, leading to structural damage to rafters, ceiling joists and wall frame.

Vehicle impact, leading to damage to vertical elements such as walls, posts, and storefronts

Foundation settlement, leading to structural damage to exterior walls, piers and damage to interior floors and walls

Please schedule your Forensic Engineering Inspection by filling in the form below. We will get back in touch with you in 1 business day and schedule the inspection between 1 to 5 business days depending on every involved party's availability.